

These young girls are practicing safe handwashing in Odisha, India as part of UNICEF’s work against COVID-19. Last year Ahlström Collective Impact focused on supporting children’s wellbeing and health during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the investment of 240 000 euro, UNICEF could, for example,

  • provide 50 healthcare facilities with supplies of water and sanitation equipment in Nepal, and
  • provide 125 000 school children with access to remote learning programs when schools were disrupted in Guinea-Bissau, and
  • reach 1 million people with urgent health and hygiene messaging through social media in Costa Rica.

Disruptions to society caused by the pandemic have had a heavy impact on children: on their safety, their well-being, and their future. As these services were compromised, UNICEF took action to prevent this health crisis turning into a child rights crisis.

Read the summary here.

Read the full report here.